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Click here to learn more about Dreamer

Meet Dreamer!


Our first lesson horse, just waiting to meet you!


Imagine your child or husband having a new interest in life that fills them with joy while accomplishing life skills.


Every person who takes riding lessons or learns horsemanship skills on the ground, benefits in amazing ways.


Progressing in physical strength that overcomes impairments changes life forever.


Being able to relate to others in social settings or becoming more interactive or more appropriate in the family will increease opportinites.


Even emotionally horses benefit their human partners giving them a reason to live, a desire to get up each day and run to the barn to spend time with their equine friend.


Studies show that hanging out with horses accomplishes great things. Learning to ride is empowering. Managing a large animal on the ground and taking care of it brings self respect and pride.


These are attributes that give us the desire to overcome our challenges and help others to do the same.

Get involved! Dreams do come true with,

True 2 Golden Dreams - and Dreamer!

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